Its time for another quick tip to help you keep your home tidy. With six people living in a home under 2000 sq ft, it can get cluttered here at my house pretty fast. To help me keep said clutter at bay I have strategically placed baskets around the house for catch alls. I have two large baskets by both entries into our home (front door & garage). These are where we throw our shoes as we enter. This also helps us save the floors from dirt and grime. I keep a small basket/bowl on a table near the garage as well to toss keys and other small odds & ends as we enter. On the stairs I keep a basket to toss things in that need put away before the end of the day. In the living room I keep a basket for library books. When someone is done with a library book it gets tossed in there. This saves me from having to look all over the house for books when the time comes to return them. These are just a few examples of how to utilize baskets, or other types of containers, in the home. All in all, these baskets help me keep our home a little more tidy. Enjoy!